First of all I want to thank everybody for all the birthday wishes!! It was one of the best days of my mission, and it wouldn't have been without all of your love and support. In order to not break tradition, we had an "Olive Garden" dinner at the Dransfield's Monday night. I ate so much cake I thought my stomach would burst! Tuesday morning the district came over for a jam session. We recorded "If You Could Hie to Kolob" and I played guitar. The video is too long to send, unfortunately. Throughout the day we taught some power appointments! In the evening we went over the the Makutoane's and had a small party and had these custard drinks. Then at night I ate my favorite food, donuts!!
I would like to thank my parents especially for all the love and support they have given me during the course of my life. They have raised me the best they could, and taught me how to work hard and make smart decisions for myself. Plus they sent me some American food, which I have been craving for months. You all have no idea what it's like!! My sister Katy sent me Lucky Charms, which makes me so happy haha. Also I have been reading and rereading all the letters I received. They bring me so much joy and light! I can't begin to give enough thanks, especially to Heavenly Father for giving me these two years to serve Him.