Umbhedula Area - Week 94

Nagina. We walked 20 minutes down this hill to get to the email shop!

Transfer #16 has officially begun! 

This week has been quite different than the last few weeks of my mission. In a good way! Elder Cox is helping me to push myself and work harder and be more productive. We are doing the comp study activities in PMG most nights before bed. My studies have improved and I am feeling more of the spirit! The only main struggle I am having lately is my body has been low on energy. I think walking all these hills is the cause of that. But we are still working hard!

We have seen a few miracles this week. First, two of our people on B-Date passed their baptismal interviews! Mxolisi is a 19 year old guy that has family in the church and recently stopped smoking. Nkanyiso is a 15 year old boy who is a referral from one of the young men. His older brother Fundo is also being taught. We sat down with his mom and dad last night and explained more about the church and about baptism. They are going to come to see the baptism this Sunday! They seemed promising so I hope that this will be a turning point for them to receive the gospel.

The Hillcrest Stake President, President Du Wet, gave an inspiring talk on tithing at branch conference. I hope that this will help the members to see the importance of it so that they can receive the blessings, including becoming a ward. 

Our goals for this transfer are to focus on member missionary work. We feel that this will be the quickest and most effective way to get Umbhedula jump started. We have already began setting appointments with members and planning for them!

Enos 1:9,12 
          "Now, it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them.
          "And it came to pass that after I had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thyfaith."

Something that I have learned earlier on my mission is how to accomplish our desires. We learn from the example of Enos that it takes faithful prayer and going out and working for it. If we pray for something and then sit around and wait, it won't come because we aren't showing God our faith. When we act in faith, He helps us to accomplish our desires!

Elder LaHue

Ndalo & Lwandle Pakisi

Elders Atkinson & Bernard

Elders LaHue, Warner, Sala, Cox

Zama & Sifiso's house! We lived in the back.